The Psychic Change

Personal transformation & spiritual awakening through the 12 Steps. Doors open at 9:30am for connection & fellowship Live In Person Big Book Workshop Recovered Guest Speakers, Panel Discussion, Open Sharing, Q&A

Relapse Prevention: Keeping Your Recovery in Tip-Top Shape

Two recovered OA speakers bring this popular workshop to NJIOA for the very first time! Together, we’ll discover the pitfalls, red flags, and potential triggers to watch out for. Informative slide presentation, interactive writing activities, Q&A, open sharing. Get ready for an engaging and inspiring afternoon.

Hot Topics

Two recovered speakers will share on some of our favorite topics: Top Tips for Newcomers Relapse Powerlessness Body Image The Spiritual Experience Plenty of time for Q&A and open sharing

Body Positive

NJIOA presents a body image workshop. Inspiring Speakers, Discussion Panel, Open sharing, Q&A, Big Book, 12 Steps, Fellowship, Recovery, and Connection

OA Unity Day

An All Virtual, All New Jersey Event. Join us for connection, open sharing, Speakers, prayers and community, as we celebrate and cherish the unity of our dear Fellowship. This day recognizes the strength of the OA Fellowship worldwide.

The Stories of OA Fellows

A Special Speaker Seri Join us for four live meetings – Sunday, January 14 through Sunday, February 4; 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. In eac h session we’ll read a story from the Overaters Anonymous Brown Book, 3rd edition; and host a new speaker who will share their experience, strength, and hope. We’ll begin with OA …

Welcome Back

Join us for the 12 Steps of Recovery — all in one day. Speakers on all 12 steps. Open Sharing. Q&A. We will discuss concepts from the Big Book, the AA 12+12, and the OA 12+12.

Connecting with Care

Connecting with our fellows, one at a time. We are ONE • We are not alone • It’s a WE program. speakers & time for sharing & Q&A


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