North Jersey Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
North Jersey Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous is a service board that coordinates and supports the activities of local OA groups and members within the Northern New Jersey area. The purpose of NJIOA is to provide support, resources, and information to local OA groups and members, as well as to carry out the work of OA.
NJIOA is made up of representatives from various OA groups within Northern New Jersey. An intergroup representative from each meeting acts as a liaison, communicating and interacting on behalf of their group’s members and may vote on intergroup business; however, any member of OA may attend the monthly intergroup meeting.
There are many opportunities for service on the intergroup level such as participating in one of our committees as listed below. You do not need to be an intergroup representative to participate oa committee. Everyone’s help and input is appreciated and needed.
Overall, NJIOA serves as a vital resource for individuals seeking support and recovery from compulsive overeating and other food-related disorders. Intergroup meetings are held virtually on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. All are invited to join. Contact for more information.
OA Region 7
Region 7 is made up of Overeaters Anonymous meetings and Intergroups of the Mid-Atlantic area: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, and West Virginia. Its purpose is to uphold and protect the 12 Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service of Overeaters Anonymous. In addition, Region 7 maintains communication with local groups, Intergroups, and Service Boards, sponsors local Conventions & Assemblies, publishes a newsletter (Region 7 Speaks), keeps speaker lists, supports Officers’ expenses, maintains reference & media libraries, and offers advice and support to Intergroups and unaffiliated groups struggling with issues related to the 12 Traditions. To learn more, visit the OA worldwide website.
Visit the OA Region 7 website.
OA World Service
The OA World Service office is located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA, and provides a global directory of OA meetings, a quarterly newsletter, a website, public information initiatives, World Service Conferences and Conventions, as well as a vast collection of over 150 literature and recovery-related resources. OA World Service serves as the overarching structure for the operation of 11 regions of Overeaters Anonymous throughout the world. OA World Service ensures that the integrity and intent of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions remain intact to ensure future membership and recovery.